Data analysis:
1. Lamia got 0 wins, 3 draws and 2 defeats in the last 5 games, ranking # 12 at 3 points in the Greek National A.2. Panaitolikos Agrinio got 0 wins, 0 draws and 5 losses in last 5 games, ranking 14 to 0 points in the Greek National A.
3. For the head to head statistics, Lamia win rate of 0.00%, the possibility of defects win rate of 25.00%, more than 2.5 rate of 50.00% in the last 4 matches.
4. For the previous value statistics, Lamia win rate of 30.00%, the possibility of defects win rate of 44.44%, more than 2.5 rate of 33.33% in the last 10 games. Panaitolikos Agrinio win rate of 10.00%, the possibility of defects win rate of 22.22%, more than 2.5 rate of 44.44% in the last 10 games.
5. Lamia last five matches, 1x2: L / D / L / D / D; Handicap: V / L / L / W / W; Over / Under: U / V / U / O / V. Panaitolikos Agrinio last five matches, 1x2: L / L / L / L / L; Handicap: L / L / L / L / W; Over / Under: U / U / O / O / O
Details of team Lamia
FIFA Ranking
Played on Ranked MP Win Draw Lost Dif Pts GF GA
Win Percentage: 23% Interest: 23% Losses: 52% Earn Points: 0.784
Details of team Panaitolikos Agrinio
FIFA Ranking
Played on Ranked MP Win Draw Lost Dif Pts GF GA
Win Percentage: 23% Interest: 22% Losses: 54% Earn points 0.787
On October 8, 2019 Ameet Lamia vs Panaitolikos in Greece in a match that we all expect to be very interesting. Both teams try to perform well in the Super League Table 1. This general info below best describes the details of the game on the clashes to come. Although everyone expects this to be a tight match was expected as part of 1X in our football predictions.